Tuesday, April 10, 2012

door to nowhere

There is a door to nowhere at the top of the staircase here at work.  It's a giant, sliding glass door with nothing on the other side.  I suppose it's good that it's glass so you know not to open it.  The problem is, every time I walk by it I start singing Door To Nowhere to the tune of Road to Nowhere by the Talking Heads.  It goes a little something like this:
This a door to nowhere
Come on outside
Walk through this door to nowhere
You'll fall and die

Ok, it's not a masterpiece.  Eric, author of Mole River (to the tune of Moon River) would scoff.  But I didn't actually mean to start singing it.  It wasn't what you'd call a conscious effort.  AND IT WON'T GO AWAY!!

On an entirely different note, people should not be allowed to leave boxes of inedible things in the kitchen.  You'd think the reason for this would be obvious, but apparently other people in the office aren't prone to just reaching blindly open boxes on the kitchen counter and popping whatever is in there into their mouths.  Anyway, it LOOKED like a jordan almond.

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